Program Orientation and Goal Setting

Program overview, objectives, and expectations.

How to choose a journal and start writing

Program Overview:

The expected outcome of the 14-week mentoring program is to have a completed manuscript submitted and accepted for publication. Throughout the program, mentees will learn the components of preparation, selecting a peer-reviewed, indexed journal, and complete the Elsevier™ self-managed certification. With the engagement and support of mentors, each mentee will submit a completed manuscript at the end of week fourteen.


Week 1-2: Program Orientation and Goal Setting

  • Goals:
    • Introduce mentees to the program structure and expectations.
    • Establish individual goals and timelines for manuscript development.
  • Expectations:
    • Attend orientation sessions and actively participate.
    • Define personal objectives and milestones for the manuscript.
  • Begin initial literature review and topic refinement.


Review introduction Video MDM: